A tablet is a mobile computer with touchscreen or digitizing technology. Tablets can be used for variety of purposes. These multi-tasking tech gadgets are used by many people who do not like carrying a heavy computer on their person.Not only do they contain office-related applications, but also a host of applications that plays music, streams videos, play games, watch movies and many other things. Moreover, they are light and portable, so it is not a difficult thing to put them in a small bag and carry them around.
While selecting one for yourself you need to consider the most important factor i.e. the OS or the operating system of your tablet.There are numerous operating systems available but the most magnificent and preferred OS is Android. All the brands that like to sell their brands faster and provide a good competition in the industry empower their tablets with Android operating system. Android OS comes in a number of forms like, "Jellybean" and "Ice Cream Sandwich". There are many versions of each form.
If you are seeking Android Best Tablet for yourself then you should be aware of the features that you need to focus on when making the choice. You may be surprised to know that most people do not pay much attention to the features and this can prove to be a costly mistake. These feature ranges from operating system, display size, storage, to camera and battery. When you gain knowledge and awareness about these features you may be able to make a good choice and save money.For more information http://www.ubislate.com/